5 tips to keep writers writing

Writing kit

Image credit: Sensay: Bigstock.com

To a writer, writing daily or regularly is important, both to keep up a momentum and to keep to any deadlines that have been set. However, regular writing sessions can be easily challenged by the dreaded writer’s block – the inability to produce new work or a severe slowing of the writing process. This frustrating state can’t be prevented entirely, however there are steps you can take as a writer to help stop this from happening. The five ideas below should help.

1.    Create a dedicated writing space

Technically, writing can be done anywhere – however, many writers find that they are able to concentrate better on what they are writing when they have created a dedicated writing space, whether that is in the home or elsewhere. This space should only be used for writing, which then helps your brain know that when you are in this space, it is writing time. This method removes distractions and creates routine.

2.    Create a journal of writing quotes

Whenever you are reading and you come across an inspiring or admirable sentence, make a note of it in a quote journal. This process will help you become a deeper reader, concentrating not just on what is being said but how it is being said also. This, in turn, will help you develop your own writing. Keep your journal in your dedicated writing space and browse through it for inspiration when you’re struggling with your writing.

3.    Set yourself playful writing exercises

A woman writing

Image credit: artfotodima/Bigstock.com

Keep your interest piqued and the creativity flowing by setting yourself playful writing exercises. For example, when writing a scene you could add a limitation, such as that the whole scene has to take place in the hospital waiting room. By using constraints, you are forcing yourself to think more creatively and perhaps come up with ideas you wouldn’t have otherwise.

4.    Finish mid-sentence and…

When you come to the end of a scheduled writing session, try finishing up mid-sentence. The theory here is that you will come back to your writing in your next session full of enthusiasm at finishing your sentence and continuing the narrative. It is better to leave each session with an idea of how to story will continue, rather than returning to your next session with no ideas on how to develop the tale.

5.    Don’t write in order

It can be very tempting to write your story in the order it would be published in, or you may not have even considered the fact it could be written in another order. Break free from this idea, and mix up your chapters – just make sure you don’t write all the ‘easy’ chapters first, and leave all the trickier chapters ‘til last! Whenever you are having a really good writing day, try tackling the more difficult sections of your writing.

As a long-term stationery lover, I adore working for The Pen Company. My childhood saw me carrying around a little red briefcase covered in stickers and full of pens, paper and other such goodies; my adulthood sees me doing pretty much exactly the same!

There are 2 comments for this article
  1. Gail at 1:34 pm

    Great tips! I would also add that you should write down not only quotes from other writers but also your own ideas. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a coffee shop or in an elevator, you always have to have your journal within reach

  2. Pingback: How to write a book - The Pen Company Blog

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