5 reasons you should love your local library


We couldn’t let Library Month pass without an article dedicated to libraries. My local library thrives, but I know many across the country have closed, and plenty of others are under threat of closure. This saddens me, as libraries have so much to give.

I personally visit and use my local library quite often, but I know many of my friends don’t and most people I talk to about libraries don’t either. Yet the majority of these people are bookworms; some buy bestsellers often, some purchase second hand books, and some pre-order new books from bookshops and pay the top price for the privilege.

This article looks at why, if you love reading books, you need to get down to your local library today.


There’s no clearer way to word it; you can borrow books for free! Whatever your tastes – be it a penchant for murder mysteries or an obsession with craft and DIY books – you will know how expensive they are to buy. If you are the type of person who likes to buy novels on their release, you will know only too well about the shocking prices of books. However, even second hand books can cost more than you’d ideally like to pay, and they’re not often in a much desired condition either.

Consider all the novels you get through on holiday, or how many bedtime stories your little one requests, then think about how much money you could be saving by using your library.

If the thought of free books doesn’t get you running to your local library, read on and see what other wonderful benefits there are.

Your library card covers more than just books

Not only can you borrow books for free from your local library, you can also borrow DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, e-books… the list goes on. Libraries also have free computer use and internet access for members, which can be very useful in times of broken home computers or laptops, home internet issues, and so on. You will also be able to print and scan documents for cheap. Researching your family tree? Your library can probably help with that too!

Your library is easier to use than ever

When the word ‘library’ is mentioned, many people conjure up an image in their minds of an old-fashioned place, which hasn’t moved forward since the 1980s. How wrong that image is! I don’t remember the last time I had a library book stamped; I always use the fast self-service machine to check books in and out. When I want to check if my library has a certain book, how long I have left on a current loan, or renew a book, I can do so online or via the simple app on my phone. It couldn’t be any easier to manage your loans. If your nearest library doesn’t stock the book you want to read, you can order it in for a small fee. Or you can check if another local library stocks it instead.

Sense of community

Libraries are naturally a community hub, as they are able to provide a wealth of knowledge about the local area, events, and also any subject you can think of! Most libraries run special talks and activities for members such as children’s storytimes, book clubs, local history talks, local council talks, and much more, which can be fun and useful to attend.

Peace & quiet

In our busy modern lives, libraries are sanctuaries of peace and quiet. The silence of a library is absolute bliss. I often stay longer than planned and sit down with a book until I feel refreshed, before stepping back into the noisy world outside.

As a long-term stationery lover, I adore working for The Pen Company. My childhood saw me carrying around a little red briefcase covered in stickers and full of pens, paper and other such goodies; my adulthood sees me doing pretty much exactly the same!

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